To be able to answer the question above I first have to make sure everyone knows what sexuality really is. As Marshall Cavendish explains in his book “Sex and Society, volume 2” “the term human sexuality broadly refers to how people experience and express themselves as sexual beings”. This basically means that this is a way for people to experience and express themselves sexually, it is a part of our social life.
Until 1905 when Sigmund Freud published his “Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality” people understood that we are born with sexual drive which matures and develops over the years. Being born with sexuality makes it a part of human being. Something essential without which we cannot function properly. It is something that made human species survive thousands of years so far. It is a key to reproduction and survival.
Sexual activity and expression are different for every human based on our past, taste, age, gender, sexual orientation and many more. This brings us to groups in our society where the socio-cultural context includes effects of politics, religion, mass media, influences and social norms. Throughout history social norms have been changing and still continue to change as a result of movements like sexual revolution. Sexual revolution or sexual liberation was a social movement throughout the United States from the 1960s to the 1980s that challenged the change of traditional codes of behavior related to sexuality and interpersonal relationships. Sexual liberation increased acceptance of sex, normalization of nudity and pornography, alternative forms of sexuality (among many others).
There is no place for taboos in a new modern world after the sexual revolution.
Here we go back to the reason of this post and this blog and this magazine.
In this magazine we want to be a part of this sexual revolution and introduce you to the world of sexuality where everyone can find something for him or her. Where everyone can come to admire beauty of human body (in case of this magazine female body). Even though on the pages of our magazine you will only see women we do not discriminate anybody!
We believe in equal world where human body can be free without the importance of the gender. We believe in world where there is no place to be ashamed of even the darkest of your fantasies and in the world where everyone deserves to be satisfied.
We believe that sexuality shouldn’t be a taboo and we are determined to prove that with our beautiful artistic content.
Revolutionary beginning of “The Playboy culture” gave us all a chance to be able to express our sexuality in a way we wanted, and we take that chance. It also gave as a chance to be an active part of sexual revolution by connecting people to admire beauty with no place for limits or taboos. Opportunity to speak at loud about sex and sexuality-the most normal and essential part of human life.
This is more than a magazine; this is a community of sexually free humans looking for a different way of living.
true that
I totally agree that nowadays we shouldn’t censure our bodies. It is who we are!
Doing great LICKIT MAG!!!
Thanks Elena!